We Need Your Input on the Decatur 2030 Strategic Plan for Climate and Energy!

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The next step for commenting on the climate section of the Decatur 2030 Strategic Plan is here! We could really use your help.

All In for Decatur 100 began engaging in the Decatur 2030 Strategic Plan in January of 2020. At the kick off event, 60 Decaturies showed up to call on the city for a transition to clean, renewable energy by 2030. Students from the Decatur school system turned out in droves; 1200 signed a pledge to speak out about 100% clean, renewable energy. We attended citizen roundtable groups, climate-specific listening sessions, and now we have an opportunity to comment on the draft climate plan for Decatur.

Give feedback on the draft plan now! (Deadline June 6th.) https://decatur2030.mysocialpinpoint.com/decatur-strategic-plan/activities/

All In for Decatur 100 reviewed the 50 recommendations in 10 different categories and we have some guidance for your comments. There’s lots of good stuff. But to help prioritize, we’ve focused on the categories with the biggest impact: Energy, Green Building, and Mobility. Together these areas account for 2/3rds of our carbon footprint. Here are some suggestions:

  • While the recommendations have a few items that focus on equity, it needs to be baked into all our intentions and actions. Decatur needs a just transition to 100% clean, renewable energy. This means we center those with high energy burden and folks impacted first and worst by climate change to ensure benefits are shared by all. Add comments that support this wherever you can.
  • Where it makes sense, you might offer that Decatur should support and initiate policies for a just transition in our residential and commercial sectors.
  • In reference to buildings, you might recommend that Decatur should develop policies to encourage or require the move to higher efficiency and electrification or heat pumps for all city buildings, residential and commercial.
  • As far as mobility, you can leave a comment calling on Decatur to convert its vehicle fleet and light duty vehicles to 100% electric vehicles.
  • The City has done great work with solar, but let’s challenge Decatur to work with Georgia Power to make sure every building in the City of Decatur runs on 100% clean energy with local solar. This might open cooperation to use larger spaces like parking lots or commercial rooftops to add all the solar we need.

Thanks again so much for your support and what you do. We look forward to seeing your comments.


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