Decatur Accepts the Challenge and Takes the Lead


We all deserve clean air to breath, pure water to drink, and healthy food as well as a safe secure future for ourselves and our kids. Today, these rights are being threatened by climate change and environmental pollution.

These crises are large, urgent, and have many causes. They can seem overwhelming, so it’s easy to simply disengage. You are not alone. But All In for Decatur 100 is doing something about it. Now you can too.

To address any large problem requires breaking it down, then taking individual responsibility as well as collective responsibility. Today, we are announcing the Decatur Cares About Climate project as part of our All In for Decatur 100 efforts. What is it?

Decatur Cares About Climate* is a program to take individual and collective steps to lower our household costs and carbon footprint while “Learning, Doing and Advocating” for a better future. It’s a series of fun, informative and cost saving measures, that you can implement with ease to reduce your carbon footprint. You are awarded points for each action taken and can compete with your friends, neighbors and communities.

Each month we’ll provide you with a different theme and “how-to” information and videos. For example, October will be home energy and efficiency month. You can select from dozens of useful steps to lower your heating bills for the coming winter. Or March is outdoor month with tips from where to plant a shade trees to what kind of shingles provide the most energy savings. There will be lots for kids and students to participate in.

There’s one more critical component to this program. That is public advocacy. We create the future we want. One way to do this is through our collective voices with our elected leaders. Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Together, the City of Decatur can set an example and lead Georgia to a more sustainable future. We set an example by personal leadership and together by our collective efforts. Imagine a city where, regardless of the color of our skin, or where we come from, or where we live we’ve made a just transition to cleaner, safer, healthier community. Where our homes and cars are powered by sunshine. Our energy burdens are lower. Where our athletes practice on fields cooled by our tree canopy. Where school buses are healthier because they run on electricity. Where our city transition provides better jobs. This is the first step. If you haven’t already, visit our Challenge page to take a look around and get started. Thanks so much for your support and dedication.

  • Decatur Cares About Climate uses a customized version of the Drawdown EcoChallenge Engine. Actions are tailored to Decatur and Decatur events.

We Need Your Input on the Decatur 2030 Strategic Plan for Climate and Energy!


City of Decatur Approves Funding for Climate/Energy Planning!